SIM-O-box, The World Is A Disc

“The world is a disc.” – at least the Ltd. by TalentRaspel virtual worlds system for virtual worlds, presented with the new SIM-O-box now fit on a disc. With the release of the first SIM-O-box as part of the new TalentRaspel MMO Kit product line, the German company TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd., headquartered in Karlsruhe brings a based on OpenSimulator and immediately bootable client/server system on the market. This OpenSimulator server technology uses the open source (GPL) Second Life Viewer and the also open-source (BSD). The TalentRaspel SIM-O-box HE (HomeEdition) is available free of charge and available immediately in the alpha test.

It consists of a bootable ISO file which can be burned on a CD and as a dedicated OpenSimulator server used to start a PC. On this other computer using the normal 3D second life Viewer can connect. Alternatively it is also possible that the TalentRaspel SIM-O-box HE within a Virtualisierungspaketes supplied on the same CD to start. This is the TalentRaspel SIM-O-box under Windows, Linux, or OS X executable. The server and the 3D client software then reside on the same computer.

The TalentRaspel SIM-O-box allows an easy and free access to the current VR technology by providing quality assured software components and avoiding high technical barriers to start and use. The preconfigured user account, the user can enter immediately into the system. It can be operated online and offline and tested without worrying about interference from other people. Due to the local installation, optimum performance and minimum network latency are ensured. It requires no complicated Server installation, install of the required additional 3D can be undone simply client software and the optional Virtualisierungspakets. To explore the system and maintain insight into his potential, just visit the TalentRaspel grid (, where it is the first 3D-online-Mehrspieler-Minispielesystem is implemented with OpenSimulator ( TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd. used the OpenSimulator, and offered to professional consulting, software development and implementation of IT projects.