Heroes Erecruiting

Relaunch of the Web site Hey roes.de heroes e-recruiting since the 01.05.2011 presents the homepage of heroes e-recruiting in the new look. No, we have changed not only the layout! Now, the Web site offers comprehensive, up-to-date and clearer than was previously the case, expert specialist information to the heroes e-recruiting application management system and on relevant topics related to the E-recruiting industry. In addition, visitors can convince General legal protection insurance from the high benefit contribution of heroes e-recruiting application management software to hand of the reference customers of success stories such as E.g. the Arag. The new and redesigned according to modern standards Web page has become since then even more attractive and user friendly for the user: easy, fast, thoughtful and really well structured. With the optimized menu it has become even easier for visitors to get to heroes e-recruiting to all product information and online to find out about the high benefit contribution of heroes e-recruiting candidate management software.

Also new is the Section about E-recruiting”, here you will find explanations of the key concepts and high quality information from the world of recruitment – candidates marketing on the Internet and careers portals of the recruiting and talent management. To a personalized website, also the informative articles in the section wear news”related to the work of the motivated and skilled team of heroes when e-recruiting. You grant visitors insight into the structures and the achievements of heroes e-recruiting. These major successes the user can sure now to hand of the reference customers of success stories of from reputable companies such as such as the Arag insurance company. The ARAG group is the largest family-owned company under the German insurance companies and is one of the two largest providers of legal protection worldwide. As internationally recognized, independent partner for law and protection of the ARAG covers a wide range of insurance group in Germany and is also Europe’s largest sports insurer.