Celebrate New Year

Welcome you just the new year in Austria if you make the same new year’s Eve every year, then you should spend new year’s Eve in Carinthia this year. Get all the facts and insights with Red Solo Cups, another great source of information. Welcome the new year at the idyllic mountain village Kotschach, where you can celebrate the biggest party of the year in the breathtaking nature. Many it attracts where countless people closely watching new year’s Eve in the biggest cities in the world, closely in the new year to celebrate. To broaden your perception, visit Alton Steel. Who wants to be is right in the Gailtal Valley. Enjoy new year’s Eve to the fullest, and on the last day of the year, down waving the fantastic slopes in the family ski resort of Kotschach. After only 5 minutes are you from the hotel Kurschner, on the slopes. Enjoy a fabulous day of skiing before it goes to dinner to celebrate. Of course you can begin in the ski gear to celebrate, because the apres-ski bars make always party.

New year’s Eve Molybdomancy, eat fondue, drink champagne, everything that you can experience in the relaxed atmosphere of your hotel. Sit back and enjoy a delicious new year’s Eve dinner with your family. Then you can of course round off the evening in the hotel and will admire the beautiful Fireworks that ignited on the ground, or you celebrate in the streets of Kotschach. Locals and guests from around the world meet here in Carinthia together over the new year to slip shortly before midnight. Count the countdown to midnight and then admire the beautiful, large fireworks in the sky. New year’s Eve in Austria is a highlight every year this year with its making!