Young Technicians

Among children it was decided to get involved in something, for something aspire to. Remember at least, some popular clubs of young technicians, naturalists. Togo, who are poorly studied, to nothing sought, considered an outsider and not particularly respected. Since then the situation has changed – the children have changed. Level requests of today’s children is much higher than they were 20 years ago.

Teachers call it unmanageable, hyperactive, or on the contrary – ‘frostbitten’. The old teaching methods with these children are no longer working. They are not afraid of any director, either the head teacher or parent meetings. How to find a way to explain this strange generation of Kabbalistic sources. The reason for ‘poor’ behavior of today’s children lies in the awakening within each one question: ‘Why do I live? “. The child first and foremost wants to know is not the structure of anything, and why it exists at all. From an early age to the modern child awakens an urgent need – to form a person to understand his place in this world. Agree, in today’s families and schools that practically no attention.

Parents are forced to work hard, deep down hoping that enough to provide the child material, and already the school will make him a man. Teachers also work hard, but they believe their main task to fill the child’s head knowledge, and they did not before the child is able to find common language with their peers, friendship, respect their elders. The child develops under the influence of the surrounding society, ie family and school. But when the family and school throw the responsibility for the formation of personality, like a ball, ping-pong table, a child not to who go with their questions and concerns. None of the school subjects are not told about the little man, what is the meaning of his birth, does not answer the question where is this world and what happens when people dies. The lack of answers to these important questions in a child creates an inner tension, which is manifested in the unwillingness to learn, the craving for continuous games on your computer, breach of conduct. To help your child deal with this internal tension, it is necessary to answer all his questions. That is what will form his or her personality, will interact harmoniously with the surrounding world and awaken a healthy interest in their studies.